4 Ways to Keep a Bladder Happy

We understand that the bladder can be a temperamental organ. Sometimes, it knows that you’re in charge and you can respect that if it has to go, it’ll let you know. Other times, the bladder acts like a difficult teenager and demands your full attention, right now!

The good news is, with a bit of time and effort, it is possible to enjoy a harmonious relationship with your temperamental bladder.

If you struggle with bladder issues, read on and discover 4 proven ways to keep your bladder as happy.

  1. Don’t Stop Drinking Water – Despite what you may think, drinking less water isn’t going to help bladder leakage. Because your body needs water to function at an optimum level, dehydration can irritate the bladder and make you pass liquid even more frequently – so keep drinking those fluids!
  2. Diet Affects Incontinence – Like most health issues, what you put inside your body has a huge impact on your overall health. Things that are known to irritate the bladder and stimulate leakage include:
    • Spicy foods (curries, Mexican dishes)
    • Foods that are high in citrus
    • Coffee and alcohol
    • Fizzy drinks
  3. Pelvic Floor Exercises –  The pelvic floor muscles connect your pubic bone to your tailbone and act like a hammock to support your pelvic organs. External factors such as pregnancy or stress can weaken these muscles, resulting in light bladder leakage. Kegel exercises are a great way to strengthen these muscles and help you regain control.
    Here’s an easy exercise to get you started:
    • The next time you go to the bathroom, locate your pelvic floor muscles by stopping urination mid-way through. If you do this successfully – congratulations – you’ve found your pelvic floor!
    • Lie, kneel, or stand on the floor and contract those muscles as tightly as possible for 3-5 seconds. Relax fully for 3-5 seconds, and contract again for another 3-5 seconds.
    • Repeat this sequence ten times per day and over time you should feel these muscles strengthening which will improve bladder control. If you don’t experience any change in bladder control after 6-8 weeks, see a health professional to ensure you are engaging the correct muscle group.
  4. Some Medications Can Make Incontinence Worse – Some medications that are taken for other health issues can actually make bladder leakage worse. If you take medication relating to your heart, blood pressure, sleeping habits, or any sort of muscle relaxant, these could be contributing factors when it comes to an unhappy bladder. When consulting your doctor, make sure you disclose exactly which medications you are taking so they can offer you the best advice!

If you need assistance selecting the right incontinence products like briefs/diapers, protective underwear (pull-ups), bladder control pads, underpads (chux) or more to help you keep dry and comfortable day or night, contact the trained representatives at Rely Medical supply. They are caring and understanding individuals who are just a phone call away and can help you with expert advice. Call them toll-free at (888) 529-2308.